We would like to extend our congratulations to the OsmotroniK kids for their exceptional achievement in the RoboJam Colombia competition!

May 4, 2023
whalesbot as robotics kit

As an educator, there's nothing more rewarding than seeing students make progress and achieve their goals. Recently, WhalesBot Mexico had the pleasure of working with a group of students who were learning to code robots using Whalesbot technology. We are thrilled to see the amazing progress they have made in the RoboJam Colombia competition and want to celebrate their success.

To the kids involved, we want to say "Great job!" Your enthusiasm and dedication to learning are truly inspiring. We are proud of the progress you have made and the skills you have developed.

We also want to acknowledge the importance of collaboration in STEM education. Our partnership with OsmotroniK has been invaluable in providing access to high-quality robotics technology and resources. We value this partnership and look forward to continuing to work together to support student learning.

To all students learning to code and build robots, we encourage you to keep up the fantastic work! Robotics is an exciting field with endless possibilities. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve great things. We can't wait to see what you will accomplish next.

See more details in this post!